
Hey there guys welcome to my page! Let me introduce myself and tell you what you will be reading on my site. My name is Joana Sanchez and I am currently a sophomore going into my junior year at CUNY City College of New York. I am majoring in psychology with a minor of sociology. College has been a big roller coaster for me, what do I mean buy this? This is what I mean I have been excited, stressed out, and even exhausted all at once. But yes I know it will all be worth it once I graduate. That’s what motivates me to my be best, my future. On my site you will read some of my work from one of my classes this semester which is Writing for the Science. You will read two of my big assignments. Such as my science feature assignment and my public awareness assignment. Which both have to do with kids going through a hard things like autism and bullying. Hope you enjoy what you read and don’t get bored!